Definition of Coaching
Coaching is an ongoing professional relationship that helps people produce extraordinary results in their lives, careers, businesses or organizations. Through the process of coaching, clients deepen their learning, improve their performance, and enhance their quality of life. In each meeting or call, the Coach listens and contributes observations and questions. This interaction creates clarity and moves the distributor into action.
Coaching accelerates progress by providing focus and awareness. It concentrates on where you are now and what you are willing to do to get where you want to be in the future, recognizing that results are a matter of the intentions, choices and actions, Supported by a good Coach's efforts and application of the coaching process, amazing things can happen.
Why Coaching is Important
In a day and age when we have become so reactive and response to the daily needs of life, coaching is the opportunity to break free. In a coaching relationship you are in the seat of power and control and can proactively direct your life in the direction you want to go. In any area, career, relationship, health, community, when you are being coached you are asked two very important questions. First, what do you want? Second, what are you willing to do about it? These questions are potent and confronting, but the whole idea behind coaching is that you are hiring someone to supportively hold you accountable for getting what you want. You determine what that is.
You’d be amazed at how hard this can be for some. We are clear about some of our dreams and desires. I often hear, “I want to be paid well for doing work that I love.” “I want more quality time with my family and friends.” “I want to be healthy and fit, without having to go to the gym.” “I want meaning and purpose in my life.” But you might also be shocked to learn that quite often people say to me, “My dream is to have a dream.”
So mired in reality, so busy living from our clocks and calendars, we often forget what matters to us or have little time to even think about it. That’s where a Coach comes in. Your Coach can help you get in touch with your purpose and passion, your dreams and hopes, overcomes your fears and doubts and most importantly support you ongoingly in taking the necessary steps, week by week, day by day for getting what you want.
Even as a Dream Coach™, I use a Coach. A Coach listens intently, asks clarifying questions, challenges my assumptions, helps me dream big and makes sure I do the important things I say I will do in order to have the precious things I say I want. It is a partnership based on intention, agreement, integrity and relationship.
The bottom line is, we can’t do it alone. Some of us think we can, but with a Coach you will be challenged, stretched and empowered. You will dream bigger dreams, have insights, uncover and hopefully remove limitations. With a Coach you will increase your chances at being successful and you will be celebrated for it.
The Dream Coach™ Philosophy of Coaching
There are many types of coaching programs available. As the founder of Dream Coach™ University I have certified Coaches worldwide in a specific process. Simply put, a Dream Coach™ assists others in getting what they want personally and professionally. This process helps people find their life’s purpose, ignite their passion, clarify their dreams, remove all obstacles (including not having enough time or money) take action, and produce fast results.
A Dream Coach's responsibility is to:
• Discover, clarify, and align with what the client wants to achieve.
• Encourage self-discovery.
• Hold the client responsible and accountable.
• Speak the truth.
• Relate, reflect and help produce results.
The Dream Coach™ Process
Set An Intention Objective: To understand the power and importance of intention and for you to set an intention for this program, such as find a new job or career, or get a promotion
Maintain Integrity
Objective: To learn how to live with integrity by removing incompletion and keeping agreements with yourself and others. It is essential that you remove or clear up anything form your past that might be in the way of you having what you want
Live On Purpose
Objective: To understand the meaning and importance of purpose in order to live more aligned with your purpose. Dreams without purpose, even a job without aligning to your purpose, can be unfulfilling. We can take steps to avoid this.
Access Your Dreamer
Objective: To create a dynamic relationship with the Dreamer inside of you, and a dream you are passionate about. No matter how realistic you may be, there is a part of you that knows what will make you happy and what you want. We will help you uncover this and get extremely clear about what you want.
Learn From Your Doubter
Objective: To create a powerful and dynamic relationship with the Doubter inside of you, and to learn from the lessons this part of you offers. Left unattended, this is part of us often sabotages our dreams. This does not need to happen.
Believe In Your Dreams
Objective: To create a belief as a solid foundation for making your dreams come true. If you don't believe in yourself or your dream, no one else will either. This is a life-changing step.
Failure Can Lead To Success
Objective: To learn to use all of life’s lessons as powerful tools, and to create daily practices to deepen what you learn. In this work, we look at what happened and what you learned and design practices for strengthening your Achilles heel
Take Serious Steps Forward
Objective: To plan the essential action steps to insure that your dreams come true. In the end, it all comes down to taking action and the practical steps for making your dream real.
Building Your Dream Team
Objective: To be able to ask for help, making your dream more easily attainable. There are resources that you know and do not know who can open doors and make your life easier. Learn essential skills for asking and getting help
Live As A Dreamer
Objective: The objective is simple, to create a dream come true life. Once you are clear about your purpose, dreams and resources, you can look at all areas of your life and decide what you want. This process works on any dream.
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